[hojia] OLPC Help

Tobey Tamber taiwantobey at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 25 14:18:35 CST 2007

Hi all,

Sorry, my Chinese speaking is not good, and my writing
is even worse.  I hope some English is OK.

My name is Tobey, and I live in Kaohsiung.  I teach
math and English and own a coffee shop (Games Cafe). 
Several of my students and I will be getting some OLPC
laptops with the Give 1 get 1 program (or the Give
Many program if we can get 100 people interested).  We
all want to help out if we can.  I was a computer
science/math major in school, but haven't used it for
so long, so I cannot help much there.  We are thinking
instead to work on a public domain children's
Chinese/English dictionary, and helping with any
translating work that we can. 

I saw some of you are already working on getting
Chinese onto the XO.  Is there anything we can do to
help you?  Most of my students are in 4th grade, but
they can translate well, and one is working on Python
now in order to try to write some children friendly
docs in Chinese.

We can't wait to get our hands on some of the XOs!  


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