[hojia] CatfishNews 易漏字

jidanni at jidanni.org jidanni at jidanni.org
Mon Jul 23 08:11:25 CST 2007

CatfishNews 中提到 "W3C網頁標準-推廣與應用研討會"... indeed, 恐
CatfishNews 極易漏字, because of tricks like style="display: none". 建
議勿冒險, you should use different software instead of assuming
readers will load all the components of your pages.

Please try this experiment:
$ wget -O 8.html http://wiki.tossug.org/CatfishNews/8/
Now disconnect you computer from the Internet, and empty your
browser's cache. Now do:
$ firefox 8.html

Readers will never find "[WWW] 官方報名網頁", etc.!

Now toggle styles on and off in firefox, ALT V Y N
Ahh.... all that lost text is now visible.

In summary, CatfishNews is using a very risky formatting strategy,
which works in text browsers (lynx, w3m), but only works in firefox if
all the component files are loaded too, or stylesheets are turned off.
Some users don't wish to load more than one file... whereupon the
strategy fails...

P.S., at the bottom of
there is a tag, "Valid HTML 4.01!". If you click on it, you will see
Failed validation, 258 errors.

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